When Stickers Meet Art And History

Today Telegram launched a new kind of stickers – a free emotion-based platform for artists. We mentioned several technological and architectural points that make Telegram stickers a completely new experience – open, free and limitless. But there’s another way in which they are unique, and it also has a lot to do with our values.

When designing our first set of stickers, we didn’t want to use just any cartoon characters to express emotions. Instead we decided to portray people we respect most. These are great artists, poets, actors, scientists and leaders.

We'd like to give them credit for their contributions to human civilization, and we hope that millions of Telegram users share our respect for these outstanding individuals.
Don't forget to check out Part 2: MOAR stickers!

Abraham Lincoln approves

Salvador Dali unlocks achievement

Albert Einstein explains

Mahatma Gandhi likes where this is going

Charlie Chaplin had a bad day

Steve Jobs laughs out loud

Kafka is not happy. He never is...

John Lennon, but...

Richard Wagner's told you

Nikola Tesla is unimpressed

One doesn't simply send a Tolkien sticker

Mark Twain, huh?

That Freudian scowl...

And the famous Monroe kiss

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